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▶ What is the Achievement?

  • Achievement is a system where you can enjoy various contents of DK Online and achieve goals to obtain valuable rewards.
  • The challenges you can perform increase depending on the character's level.
  • Challenges can only be performed on Steam season server.

  • ▶ How to enjoy Achievement

  • Click the 'achievement' icon at the bottom of the main screen to run.
  • Achievement 01.png

  • You can easily check the overall progress in the achievement window.

  • Detailed information can be checked by selecting each item.
  • Achievement 02.png

    ▶ Achievement Window Description

  • You can check the progress in the window that appears after clicking the achievement Icon.
  • Achievement 03.png

    1. Achievement Content
    2. - You can check the detailed information by clicking on each content.

    3. Achievement name
    4. - The title of the achievement. The minimum level to complete the challenge is also displayed.

    5. Achievement points
    6. - Indicates the points earned for that achievement.

    7. Completed Achievement
    8. - Challenges that have earned all points will be grayed out and will be placed at the back.

    Achievement 04.png

  • When you select an item, you can check the conditions and rewards for achieving the task.
    1. Reward Item
    2. - These are reward items that can be acquired by completing challenges.
      - The icon is activated when a certain number of points are reached and is displayed as a gray icon after receipt.

    3. Claim Button
    4. - This button is for receiving reward items.

    5. Achievement Points
    6. - Indicates the points earned for the current achievement. You can receive rewards according to the points you have earned.

    7. Subtasks
    8. - A sub-task to achieve the score of the selected list.
      - A subheading, an explanation to achieve, and the number of points that can be obtained upon achievement are displayed.
      - The achievement rate for each task is displayed, and the completed content is placed at the end.

    ▶ How to receive the achievement rewards

  • When you reach a certain score in Challenge, you can receive a reward item.
  • After clicking the 'Claim' button, you can receive the reward by clicking the icon of the item you want in the reward selection window.
  • Achievement 05.png

  • If you do not have enough points, a point shortage message will be displayed, and you will not be able to receive rewards.
  • Achievement 06.png

    ▶ Premium Rewards

  • Achievement rewards are divided into normal rewards and premium rewards.
  • Premium rewards can be received using premium points, and items with high enchant levels are paid.
  •  1. Premium Rewards

    Premium reward.gif

    ▶ Achievement Notice

  • All reward items cannot be reclaimed once received. Please be cautious when claiming rewards.
  • Achievements with premium rewards are account-shared properties. All characters in the account share progress and whether or not to receive rewards, so please be careful when receiving premium rewards.
  • Premium rewards are non-tradable items.